Use Macros ========== These macros will help you to generate Bootstrap-markup codes quickly and easily. render_nav_item() ------------------ Render a Bootstrap nav item. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/nav.html' import render_nav_item %} API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_nav_item(endpoint, text, _badge='', _use_li=False, **kwargs) :param endpoint: The endpoint used to generate URL. :param text: The text that will displayed on the item. :param _badge: Badge text. :param _use_li: Default to generate ````, if set to ``True``, it will generate ``
  • ``. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments pass to ``url_for()``. render_breadcrumb_item() -------------------------- Render a Bootstrap breadcrumb item. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/nav.html' import render_breadcrumb_item %} API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_breadcrumb_item(endpoint, text, **kwargs) :param endpoint: The endpoint used to generate URL. :param text: The text that will displayed on the item. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments pass to ``url_for()``. render_field() ---------------- Render a form input for form field created by `Flask-WTF/WTForms `_. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field %}
    {{ form.csrf_token() }} {{ render_field(form.username) }} {{ render_field(form.password) }} {{ render_field(form.submit) }}
    You can pass any HTTP attributes as extra keyword arguments like ``class`` or ``placeholder``: Notice that a ``placeholder`` is only allowed by `W3C validation `_ when the input type is ``email``, ``number``, ``password``, ``search``, ``tel``, ``text`` or ``url``. However, it is possible to use a placeholder for input types such as ``datetime``. .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field %}
    {{ form.csrf_token() }} {{ render_field(form.username, class='myClass') }} {{ render_field(form.password, placeholder='Your Password') }} {{ render_field(form.submit) }}
    Notice the ``class`` value here will overwrite the ``render_kw={'class': '...'}`` you defined in the form class. Bootstrap-Flask will combine the class value you passed with the ``class`` key of the ``render_kw`` dict or the ``class`` keyword arguments with Bootstrap classes. API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_field(field,\ form_type='basic',\ horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),\ button_style='',\ button_size='',\ button_map={},\ form_group_classes='') :param field: The form field (attribute) to render. :param form_type: One of ``basic``, ``inline`` or ``horizontal``. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. :param horizontal_columns: When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of ``(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)``. :param button_style: Set button style for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default to ``primary`` (e.g. ``btn-primary``). This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE``. :param button_size: Set button size for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default to ``md``. This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE``. :param form_group_classes: Bootstrap 5 only (``bootstrap5/form.html``). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the config ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES`` first (the default value is ``mb-3``). .. tip:: See :ref:`button_customization` and :ref:`checkbox_customization` to learn more on customizations. render_form() --------------- Render a complete form element for form object created by Flask-WTF/WTForms. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_form %} {{ render_form(form) }} API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_form(form,\ action='',\ method='post',\ extra_classes=None,\ role='form',\ form_type='basic',\ horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),\ enctype=None,\ button_style='',\ button_size='',\ button_map={},\ id='',\ novalidate=False,\ render_kw={},\ form_group_classes='',\ form_inline_classes='',) :param form: The form to output. :param action: The URL to receive form data. :param method: ``
    `` method attribute. :param extra_classes: The classes to add to the ````. :param role: ```` role attribute. :param form_type: One of ``basic``, ``inline`` or ``horizontal``. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. :param horizontal_columns: When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of ``(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)``. :param enctype: ```` enctype attribute. If ``None``, will automatically be set to ``multipart/form-data`` if a :class:`~wtforms.fields.FileField` or :class:`~wtforms.fields.MultipleFileField` is present in the form. :param button_style: Set button style for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default to ``primary`` (e.g. ``btn-primary``). This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE``. :param button_size: Set button size for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default to ``md``. This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE``. :param button_map: A dictionary, mapping button field name to Bootstrap button style names. For example, ``{'submit': 'success'}``. This will overwrite ``button_style`` and ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE``. :param id: The ```` id attribute. :param novalidate: Flag that decide whether add ``novalidate`` class in ````. :param render_kw: A dictionary, specifying custom attributes for the ```` tag. :param form_group_classes: Bootstrap 5 only (``bootstrap5/form.html``). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the config ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES`` first (the default value is ``mb-3``). :param form_inline_classes: Bootstrap 5 only (``bootstrap5/form.html``). You can use this parameter to change the form inline classes, it will read the config ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_INLINE_CLASSES`` first (the default value is ``row row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center``). .. tip:: See :ref:`button_customization` to learn how to customize form buttons. render_hidden_errors() ---------------------- Render error messages for hidden form field (``wtforms.HiddenField``). Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field, render_hidden_errors %} {{ form.hidden_tag() }} {{ render_hidden_errors(form) }} {{ render_field(form.username) }} {{ render_field(form.password) }} {{ render_field(form.submit) }}
    API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_hidden_errors(form) :param form: Form whose errors should be rendered. render_form_row() ------------------ Render a row of a grid form with the given fields. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_form_row %}
    {{ form.csrf_token() }} {{ render_form_row([form.username, form.password]) }} {{ render_form_row([form.remember]) }} {{ render_form_row([form.submit]) }} {# Custom col which should use class col-md-2, and the others the defaults: #} {{ render_form_row([form.title, form.first_name, form.surname], col_map={'title': 'col-md-2'}) }} {# Custom col which should use class col-md-2 and modified col class for the default of the other fields: #} {{ render_form_row([form.title, form.first_name, form.surname], col_class_default='col-md-5', col_map={'title': 'col-md-2'}) }}
    API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_form_row(fields,\ row_class='row/form-row',\ col_class_default='col',\ col_map={},\ button_style='',\ button_size='',\ button_map={},\ form_group_classes='',\ form_type='basic',\ horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10)) :param fields: An iterable of fields to render in a row. :param row_class: Class to apply to the div intended to represent the row, like ``form-row`` (Bootstrap 4) or ``row`` (Bootstrap 5). :param col_class_default: The default class to apply to the div that represents a column if nothing more specific is said for the div column of the rendered field. :param col_map: A dictionary, mapping to a class definition that should be applied to the div column that contains the field. For example: ``col_map={'username': 'col-md-2'})``. :param button_style: Set button style for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default to ``primary`` (e.g. ``btn-primary``). This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE``. :param button_size: Set button size for ``SubmitField``. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default to ``md``. This will overwrite config ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE``. :param button_map: A dictionary, mapping button field name to Bootstrap button style names. For example, ``{'submit': 'success'}``. This will overwrite ``button_style`` and ``BOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE``. :param form_group_classes: Bootstrap 5 only (``bootstrap5/form.html``). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the config ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES`` first (the default value is ``mb-3``). :param form_type: One of ``basic``, ``inline`` or ``horizontal``. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. :param horizontal_columns: When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of ``(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)``. .. tip:: See :ref:`button_customization` to learn how to customize form buttons. render_pager() ----------------- Render a simple pager for query pagination object created by Flask-SQLAlchemy. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/pagination.html' import render_pager %} {{ render_pager(pagination) }} API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_pager(pagination,\ fragment='',\ prev=(' Previous')|safe,\ next=('Next ')|safe,\ align='',\ **kwargs) :param pagination: :class:`~flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination` instance. :param fragment: Add URL fragment into link, such as ``#comment``. :param prev: Symbol/text to use for the "previous page" button. :param next: Symbol/text to use for the "next page" button. :param align: Can be 'left', 'center' or 'right', default to 'left'. :param kwargs: Additional arguments passed to ``url_for``. render_pagination() -------------------- Render a standard pagination for query pagination object created by Flask-SQLAlchemy. Example ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'bootstrap4/pagination.html' import render_pagination %} {{ render_pagination(pagination) }} API ~~~~ .. py:function:: render_pagination(pagination,\ endpoint=None,\ prev='«',\ next='»',\ ellipses='…',\ size=None,\ args={},\ fragment='',\ align='',\ **kwargs) :param pagination: :class:`~flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination` instance. :param endpoint: Which endpoint to call when a page number is clicked. :func:`~flask.url_for` will be called with the given endpoint and a single parameter, ``page``. If ``None``, uses the requests current endpoint. :param prev: Symbol/text to use for the "previous page" button. If ``None``, the button will be hidden. :param next: Symbol/text to use for the "next page" button. If ``None``, the button will be hidden. :param ellipses: Symbol/text to use to indicate that pages have been skipped. If ``None``, no indicator will be printed. :param size: Can be 'sm' or 'lg' for smaller/larger pagination. :param args: Additional arguments passed to :func:`~flask.url_for`. If ``endpoint`` is ``None``, uses :attr:`~flask.Request.args` and :attr:`~flask.Request.view_args`. :param fragment: Add URL fragment into link, such as ``#comment``. :param align: The align of the pagination. Can be 'left', 'center' or 'right', default to 'left'. :param kwargs: Extra attributes for the ``